Brief Bio


mtaylor Marjorie Taylor is a developmental psychologist (Ph.D., Stanford University) who is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon. Her research is on the development of imagination and creativity, including studies of children who invent pretend friends and adult fiction writers who develop relationships with the characters in their novels. Taylor is author of Imagination Companions and the Children Who Create Them (1999, Oxford University Press) and the editor of The Development of Imagination (2013, Oxford University Press). She is on the editorial boards of the journals Imagination, Cognition, and Personality and The American Journal of Play.



My Family

As drawn by Anna Harbaugh (2nd from left)

Here is my husband, Bill Harbaugh (depicted in the center of drawing above). He is a professor of economics at the University of Oregon. To find out more, click here.

These are our daughters, Sarah, Amber, and Anna.


Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art

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